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Today is my brother-in-law (or Rosabelle's 姨丈), Matthias', birthday. He's a doctor, and I've been consulting him on health matters for Rosabelle (and even remotely via email/phone now). It's a blessing to have family and friends who you can count on, and though we are far away, who always keep us in their hearts and prayers. This is Matt with Rosie, just barely a day old as he fetched us home from the hospital to Popo's house.Happy Birthday, Matt!
So qiao3, it's my brother's birthday today too. He has the same bd as Mattias. By the way, Aik Cher knows Mattias's brother cos he was from Dunman High too. Met him at your wedding dinner. :)
World is small, and Singapore is even smaller! Everybody seems to know everybody! Happy birthday to Mr Koh as well (your brother, whatever his name is..haha)!
hehe, he has an 'ang moh miah' since he started teaching. He's now Mr Thomas Koh and yes Mr Koh to his students. ;)
Oh ya, saw the flowers you sent to your mum. They are lovely. Wish Aik Cher had sent me something similar too. :P
Ooooh...hope Aik Cher reads my blog...and gets the belated 'hint'...
Aiyah, he's too busy to even read my blog. I even hinted there. But no use lor. Sigh, to be fair, he's too troubled about his itchy feet (he got allergic reaction to mosquito bites and his feet has been taking turns to itch and swell for the last 3 weeks). Finally saw GP yesterday but the antibiotic cream didn't help.
Oh ya, he bought me a red soft toy rose on Tues. Think he finally got the hint. ;)
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