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Monday, October 12, 2009

Almost doubted Pampers

Rosabelle woke up from her afternoon nap yesterday with a very cute side parting.
It shows that her hair's getting longer, and also shows that she had a deep sleep settled into one sideway position throughout, haha!
A few nights ago, after we put her to bed for the night, she suddenly woke up crying and inconsolable even when I carried her, and after awhile of rocking her, I felt that she had wet her pants. Strange - she wears Pampers to sleep and we've never encountered a leaky diaper even in the day time. Thinking that maybe the nanny put on the diaper too loose, we dismissed the incident...until it happened again last night.

Rosabelle kept pushing at me until I put her onto the bed, and then she wet her pants yet again. This time, I removed her pants and saw that the diaper was way too loose on one side, and we thought she could have been struggling when the nanny was changing her into her pyjamas. After that, I realised that she was crying and wanted to push me away as she knew she was going to pee and did not want to wet me, but could not contain her urine even though she knew that the diaper was loose (Hmmm? Our daughter is so clever? Yep, I choose to believe so...haha!). So after we changed her up and the nanny rocked her back to sleep, I delved further and solved the mystery:

These days, with the weather getting colder, we've been letting her wear an extra singlet or T-shirt inside her long-sleeved pyjamas top. At times, when the nanny wants to tuck the singlet/T-shirt into her pants, her fingers might have pushed onto the diaper tab and shifted the fastening, causing it to come loose.
So there... just when I was about to give up on Pampers...

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