In keeping with our Saturday routine of bringing Rosabelle out for lunch, the nanny and I took her to 花家怡园 just now, with her modeling her newest bunny hat (the bob makes her look so much more taller, eh?).
Lunch came, and she pretty much enjoyed the oatmeal caixin dish, the ngor hiang (五香) pork (and sliced pork from my porridge, which was too salty to give her on its own), as well as bits of the noodles and egg tart.
At least I'm glad our Ayi is quite open/receptive to comments/suggestions/criticisms(s?), and will try her best to accommodate my demands, heh! If I didn't know any better, I would have thought it's her food that made Rosabelle whine suddenly during lunch yesterday. I was preparing to go to the supermarket when after a few spoonfuls of porridge, Rosabelle started crying incessantly and refused to eat. So I got the nanny to carry her up and she immediately threw up her food. Oh dear! Maybe the food went down the wrong way, but she almost immediately also felt better and started smiling... hmm, she was ok and in high spirits after, so I'm not too worried - it could even be a side effect of the vaccine from the day before (vomiting is listed as one of the side effects).
These few days, I have witnessed Rosabelle being able to stack blocks/cylinders very well. She even managed to stack a long cylinder on top of a short one, and every time she stacks one successfully, she will go 'Yaaay!!!', and look at the nanny and/or I to applaud her before she starts clapping her own hands. Sometimes, even before she has put the block on properly, she will start shouting 'Yaaaay!!!' in anticipation, haha!
One development I'm not too entirely pleased with is that she is starting to open drawers at the TV console, so rather than go into a 'No, no, no!' game with her (which we of course have to reinforce all the time), I will instead use my finger to press subtlely against the drawer. Subtlely it is, because if she sees us using our fingers/hands to block, she will pull/push it away. So at least with a subtle blocking, she will try to open and give up after awhile, thinking the drawer is locked, haha!
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