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Friday, July 2, 2010

Missed us?

Just another quick note to say we are back in Beijing since 29 June after one month in Singapore, and as usual, I am dealing with the settling back into routine, unpacking, housekeeping (can't believe the amount of books and toys and clothes I brought back!), and it doesn't help that Rosabelle is in the 'Mummy, carry!' stage perpetually all the time that it's exhausting for us all!

MIL's back to help after her vacation back in Zhengzhou, so thank goodness for her, as Wayne has started work at another agency earlier in June after their trip to Shanghai, but Rosabelle hasn't been taking well to Nai nai after the trip back, and insists I feed her and change her diapers etc, until I put my foot down and let her cry for more than an hour till she fell asleep before lunch the day before. This continued till yesterday when she cried at every meal, wanting me to feed her, sheesh! Of course I hardened my heart and persisted in getting Nai nai to feed her, but I'll go into more details in later posts.

And so.... excuse me again whilst I retire for awhile to clear my 90 emails, look through/sort my 1,100 photos (it's not a typo and it's not a joke), and catch up on the various blogs I did not access during my Singapore staycation.


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