On our way back, we saw a stray cat that she liked, and not being afraid, she started saying '猫猫,来!', and sure enough, the pregnant cat started galloping towards us. I remember my hairs standing on end, as not being a cat person, I get goosebumps when they come too near, so I had to quickly drag her away and run on home. Heh!
And of course there's the perennial trips to NTUC, especially the one in Bedok, as we would go to the hawker center to buy food. On 8 June, and many weekends after, we went there together with my mum.
When in Singapore, I always make a pilgrimage to my favourite Parkway Parade (this place seriously has everything and anything I need to buy and eat), going on 10 June with my mum and Simon. I got her a pair of shoes from Mothercare and after that, we went for lunch at Fish & Co., where my mum was so angry with Simon for not eating well, sigh... bad example for Rosabelle meimei!
I rented for her a car stroller for SGD3/hour, and our girl enjoyed the novelty for all of like 5 minutes before deciding that she wanted to come out and run and/or be carried by me. At the same time, she refused to let Simon sit or touch it and was pushing him as I loaded up on my Bodyshop stuff...so naughty. I also got a pair of Diego Crocs at 30% discount for a kid in the yard as his mother couldn't get a small-enough size (and it's more expensive) in Beijing.
That's her in the car stroller as I fed her some some durian ice-cream (she could recognise the taste as durian even though she only tried the fruit once prior).

On 12 June, we went with my parents to United Square, where our little poser (poseur) strutted her stuff:
The Ben 10 Show!
That's our girl watching the show from below:
On 24 June, she was due for her DPT/DT jab and together with my mum and Simon, we brought her to KKH for her 3:30pm appointment (thank goodness she slept till 11am that morning since she was going to have a later nap anyway). She refused to cooperate to get her height/weight taken, so we're open on that, haha! Here she is waiting for our number...
Luckily our girl wasn't fussy/fussing, but to make up for it, I sat together with her on an animal ride before we went home... (and forgetful me actually went against the doctor's advice and totally forgot, giving her a bath that night - eeks).
That evening, we went out for dinner with my family for nyonya food at Chili Padi, where our girl tried soursop and bamboo shoot for the first time, heh!
On 26 June, we went with our parents by train (taking the circle line for the first time!) to Ang Mo Kio Hub where we had lunch at the food court. After lunch, I let her sit on the kiddy rides for awhile, but she decided that she wanted to be permanently glued to it and refused to get off after repeated warnings/cajoling. So I literally plucked her off the train ride, bawling away and pushing me as I carried her on the escalator towards the toilet. She was pushing against me so much that I had to carry her sideways, still crying, as I continued scolding her to get her to stop. In the end, I put her in a corner near the toilet as I threatened to walk away if she continued fussing, and had to carry her into the toilet cubicle with me to stop her crying. Sheesh, what a meltdown! Many on-lookers must have thought that I'm a mean mum for making her cry like that, but that tactic worked as the next kiddy ride she went on (yes, I don't learn my lesson - the lesson is for her to learn), she came off it obligingly when I beckoned her to. I believe in giving warnings (and not immediately just plucking her off), but when a warning is not heeded/falls on deaf ears, sorry ma'am, don't say I didn't tell you.
Again, abrupt end to post as I go dedicate my efforts to drafting other updates, so there!
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