Soft-hearted me then whipped out something new for her to try – I have a stash of little knick-knacks for occasions likes these (and bad weather days), like taking out a pair of tongs for her to practice pincer-grip with a tool, a new sheet of stickers, and the other day, experimenting with sticking raffia onto ice-cream sticks as I drew them up to resemble guitars, and placed them in order of 1 to 4 so that she could paste the corresponding number of strings on.
This time round, I took out a roller and stamp pad I’d purchased online some time back, and got her going at it. However, she wasn’t very adept at picking up ink with the roller, instead banging on it and using it like a stamp, so of course I helped with that, and took out some cookie cutter shapes for her to stamp with. She was also more keen on removing and replacing the rollers with the 3 inter-changeable designs that came along with it. Subsequently, we got into finger/hand printing, and I improvised by drawing faces and hands/legs onto her cute fingerprints so that they became little people (and even turned a swoosh of fingerprint into a bird, haha!). That turned into another game altogether as I drew faces on hers and my fingers and started stamping onto the paper as well.

On Tuesday night, we ran a few errands, like going to another photo shop to develop the studio photos into photo books (cheaper and nicer than those done at the usual photo developing place). Whilst in that shop, me being me, I was browsing through their knick-knacks and ended up with a new sheet of foam stickers for Rosabelle (she chose Disney Cars over Winnie the Pooh…), some window decals, and a scrunchy for myself. Rosabelle was most happy to help me carry the plastic bag of items home, and we stopped by another imported goods minimart on the way back for further shopping.
I wasn’t really planning to buy anything, but came out of the shop with some alphabet pasta, frozen fishcakes and fishballs… our girl also chose a new toothbrush for herself. Her current toothbrush is a little out of shape, since she chews on it at time, and even sucks water from it… so I took a few down for her to choose from – Lion Anpanman in 3 colours, and Disney Winnie the Pooh in another 3 colours. She wanted another design of toothbrush hanging on the shelves but after I told her those were for adults, she handed me back the Disney ones and said those were too big as well. Though it’s suitable for her age, I took a look and true enough, they did look much bigger than her current one, so she took her pick of a blue Lion one from the remaining options. Nice.
We had fun with the window decals that night – these are what they look like from the pack – a boat scene and a bee/butterfly scene.
Since we are on the topic of milk, I gave her her first taste of cow’s milk on Tuesday morning, or more specifically organic milk from Green Yard, which has been given rave reviews on the Beijing Mamas Forum. I ordered it on Sunday and got my carton on Monday afternoon (minimum order of 8 – so I got 4 full-cream, 1 low-fat, 2 sugared yoghurt, and 1 non-sugar yoghurt – the deliveryman took and extra full-cream packet, and since he said he has to go all the way to bring it back, I nicely took the extra one, and of course paid for it – RMB12 for milk, RMB14 for yoghurt). So that morning, I warmed it up in hot water (like how I used to warm up EBM), and poured about 100ml for her. I had advice from other Beijing Mamas that she might not like the taste (she loved it! Maybe it’s because the milk taste is not too overpowering…), to watch out for allergies (she had cheese and yoghurt before, so should be ok), and that I should be offering full-cream milk until two years of age at least.
Phew! If all goes well, milk will be a staple breakfast food (she had another try on two other mornings and similarly gulped the whole cup up, and she also seemed to like the yoghurt – hope the novelty doesn’t wear off!), and I will likely add another feed of milk at night, before she sleeps, so that she can hopefully be filled up enough and finally sleep through the night without needing to wake up and nurse! My main reason for adding milk is of course I worry about whether my milk is sufficient/nutritious enough for her since it’s already been two years, and I do not wish to introduce formula because it has way too much sugars and processed ingredients.
Another funny remark she made was when we came back in the lift one day, and a man followed in with two big bags of groceries. When he left them on the floor near the entrance, Rosabelle immediately remarked, rather worriedly, ‘过不去呢...', and the man was rather embarrassed, apologizing before shifting the bags to make way for us. Haha!
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