Rosabelle's day is pretty predictable (but I wished she had more predictable and earlier sleeping times so I can be less house-bound), and I thought I'd share with you what some of you might be wondering she gets up to (or how occupied I can get in a day with her to-dos day in, day out...)
She wakes up (depending on what time she slept the previous night) anytime between 7+ to 11 am, and I normally leave her to roll around in bed/play with her blanket/toys first before I attend to her (if I have not yet washed up or had my breakfast... IF she can wait).

Once outside, she is quite happy to sit in the Quinny Buzz and look around, play with the toys on her pram, or eat her bib. The nanny and I will then take the chance to buy groceries, bread, run errands at the bank etc. Sometimes, we will just stop and let her sit in the shade of the sun, and look at the windmills (though the strong winds might suddenly come, or we will leave due to some inconsiderate idiotic dog owner or smoker around us).

I've been giving her one round of EBM every day (unless we're out for the day), to get her used to the bottle, ever since she was 6 weeks old. However, she is often distracted and does not take well to it, crying incessantly at times. However, as I was planning on going back to work, it was important that she get used to having someone else feed her using the bottle. Now that I have quit my job, it is still necessary so that I can afford to be away from her if the time calls for it, and she won't then go on a nursing strike.
We've found that the trick to getting her to drink without any violent protests is to distract her first with the TV (yes, I know it's bad) - DVD of the day now is the 'Wheels on the Bus' series that has her hooked, courtesy of the legacy of Marianne Cheh Cheh (see her trance-like state below - when she watches TV, it's only about the only time she pays scant attention to me).

We then prepare for dinner (nanny's been cooking for us this week), and Wayne comes back and plays with her as well). After-dinner games are more sedated, like reading nursery rhymes (she slaps the book excitedly), or Daddy-bonding time (literally, when he binds her with her stacking rings!).

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