Thinking she'd be sick of the same old foods, the nanny woke up early this morning to prepare egg porridge (instead of the usual steamed egg) for her breakfast, but her efforts went to waste as Rosabelle did not take to the porridge, but instead eagerly slurped up the steamed egg the nanny had no choice but to make for her after. Looks like she's a fan of Ayi's steamed egg - a classic case of don't fix it if it ain't broke!
For lunch as well, seeing that she finished her steamed egg close to 11:30am, we decided to prepare something light/different, putting cut carrots, apple, peach, and honeydew into her cereal, and she almost managed to finish all. I say 'almost' because she took an hour to finish (the nanny gives her a time limit of 30 minutes, reminding her of the impending deadline if she slackens/gets distracted, and will clean her up when time's up), and left behind chunks of the fruit. The nanny did not cook the carrot, instead adding boiled water to the whole mixture, so I told her it's too hard for Rosabelle to swallow/chew, even though she had cut the carrot into fine bits - just am not comfortable with giving her not totally cooked vegetables.
Dinner time was a huge success as compared to breakfast and lunch. Rosabelle has been waking up and sleeping early these days, which is a good thing, and takes two naps a day, once after breakfast/before lunch, and another in the afternoon. However, for whatever reason (maybe it's too hot - sweltering furnace-like heat in Beijing these days), she did not sleep the second nap, so we brought her downstairs, and were hoping that she would not be sleepy during dinner.
When we came upstairs, seeing that she was still not in the mood to sleep, I decided to bathe her, and got the nanny to prepare her dinner, so that she would not start crying/looking for me when the nanny bathed/clothed her - whole idea was to keep her happy and in the mood to eat.
We succeeded with this strategy and the nanny whipped up a feast for her in record time - main course of noodles/spinach/vegetables/tomatoes, side dish of chicken/onion (she tried onion for the first time today), and a soup of black fungus/cucumber/potato/tofu (she also tried cucumber for the first time today). Her food is even more healthy and well-balanced than ours!
Am sure the nice taste of the food kept her awake and non-grouchy, phew... The pressure's now on the poor nanny to make every meal as appealing as this one now, but it sure is satisfying to see our girl taking well to new foods and new tastes!
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