We even changed her diaper whilst waiting (and I carried her whilst Mum changed her).
Looks like yet another happy day for our happy baby!
By the time we got back, it was time for Rosabelle's dinner, and she enjoyed the pear porridge that the nanny made for her. My family was too tired (more from the shopping than the sight-seeing, I suspect) to go out for dinner, so we ordered dinner of pizza, spaghetti, grilled fish and side dishes for them from Annie's, which the kids also enjoyed. Wayne and I went over to their place after our own dinner at home, and Rosabelle amazingly fell asleep at 9:50pm, sleeping more than 12 hours till the next day (still waking up for feeds at times though).
The nanny said she suspects Rosabelle will start talking early - she at times mumbles in her sleep, and when playing with her, will at times garble, but the nanny will tell her that she does not understand (as Rosabelle may be speaking English), haha! Whenever we are not at home, the nanny will place Rosabelle in the stroller (the only safe place now), as she had tried to tug at and even chew on the buckle of the Fisher Price seat (to escape to freedom), rendering it way too dangerous for her to be left alone in it now. Maybe that's why when we are going out and I put her in the stroller, she will at times scream and think it's time for her to stay at home and watch the nanny do housework (as opposed to going out in the stroller) and can be placated only when we open the door and indicate we are going out! These days, as we've been going out every day, she will look towards the main door during her meals, and be extremely distracted and want to go out, more so if we leave the house without her. Oh dear, can't imagine how she can fall back into her mundane routine once my family leaves on Tuesday...sigh!
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