So, whilst waiting to check-in for our 11:40am flight, Rosabelle leisurely enjoyed her morning dragon fruit snack at Beijing Capital Airport..

Wayne's high school friend picked us up from the airport as we made a 40-minute journey to Sofitel Hotel, quite near to Wayne's home.
By the time we checked into the hotel, it was already way past Rosabelle's nap time, so we bathed her in the bath tub, giving her hotel toiletries bottles as floating toys to keep her entertained, haha!
She was obviously very excited by the big bed and climbed/crawled all over.
The cottony-soft bed and quilt, cold from the aircon, were also very nice for her to just laze upon and play peekaboo with.
After the excitement wore her out, she had a quick nap and we quickly made our way to Wayne's grandparents' house thereafter.
It was the first time Wayne's grandparents were seeing their great-grandaughter, and his grandma gave Rosabelle a big angpow.
Surprisingly, our filial daughter did not make any noise at letting his grandma carry, and even sat comfortably and obediently on her lap for at least 20 minutes! Blood relations are indeed strong man!
Rosabelle then walloped half a banana for her tea-time snack, amazing all the older folks with her appetite and chewing skills in spite of just two lower teeth, heh.
Wayne's Dad and Mum of course also took turns to carry the girl as she basked in their attention.

Even Wayne's old grandfather mustered enough strength to carry her for some precious moments pictures.
And of course, how could we not let her demonstrate her crawling and cruising prowess by letting her loose on the big bed?
We had a nice reunion dinner at the house, and Rosabelle ate some plain porridge with a side dish of potato and snow fish/vegetables puree. I know his father and grandma were quite concerned that we aren't adding any salt, sugar, or fatty meats (!) to her foods, saying that children need such items in their diet so they can have fats and grow chubby... Thank goodness Wayne and I have a common understanding in this, and I'd already forewarned him beforehand that we are against this, and for him to reject any other questionable foods they want to give her...phew!
Wayne said that his grandma really loves Rosabelle - he has never seen his grandma trail anybody from one room to another, and she keeps wanting to carry her even though she is already quite weak (celebrated her 80th birthday in May). From what Wayne tells me, his grandma dotes on him, so naturally, she will adore her great-grandchild, and she was actually looking forward to a girl as she has two boys in the family.
After dinner, we headed on back to the hotel for a good night's rest, where our poor girl knocked out by 8:45 pm! Wayne and I went downstairs to enjoy the hotel's welcome drink, and I came back half an hour later to find Rosabelle awake on the bed, clutching the nanny around the neck. Apparently, not long after I left, some inconsiderate buggers in other rooms shouted along the corridor, waking her up rudely from her deep slumber, and upon seeing the strange and dark surroundings of the hotel room, and me not being around, she was inconsolable. The nanny even deliberated calling me, but instead focused on pacifying her. When she saw me come to the bed, her lips quivered again and I had to nurse her to sleep. Poor least she slept quite well through the night!

Wayne said that his grandma really loves Rosabelle - he has never seen his grandma trail anybody from one room to another, and she keeps wanting to carry her even though she is already quite weak (celebrated her 80th birthday in May). From what Wayne tells me, his grandma dotes on him, so naturally, she will adore her great-grandchild, and she was actually looking forward to a girl as she has two boys in the family.

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