We made use of Rosabelle's early waking yesterday (7:15am!) to visit the Si'De Park after her breakfast. I'd like to caption this series of photos of father and daughter as 'The Mafia Boss & his Chick'...
It was very hot even in the morning and we kept wanting to find places to walk in the shade, watching old folks sing/dance, and giving Rosabelle her dragon fruit snack in the cooling comfort of a canopy of trees. Luckily we managed to convince her to sit in the stroller after awhile, or it'd be even more sweltering hot for us all to have to carry her, and she won't then have the shade of her stroller to enjoy the park outing in.This is her trying to stand/walk, and as she likes to kick balls and at times get down from the stroller these days, I bring her shoes around, but don't normally wear it for her unless she's ready for some action, as I am not really keen on wrapping her feet up when she's not even walking yet. And I don't want to get her to walk when she's not ready - it's best for her to crawl for a period first to have better balance/stability, and apparently, it's better for her eyesight as when babies crawl, they focus on near objects, but when walking, they focus on further objects, so she can hone both visions. More importantly, if the arches of her soles aren't fully developed yet, they shouldn't be strained, and I don't want to risk her being bow-legged in future. So lady, take your time to learn to walk...
Alot of times, she's keen on grabbing her own shoes as she's fascinated by the squeaking sound it makes.
Or she'd take random steps that makes it appear as if she's doing a jig-a-ma-jig...
Mostly, she'd be attracted by some other toy an older kid is playing, and scream, making huge gallops towards the object(s) in question, like when she spotted an older boy playing with some toy trucks. It's good for her to play with/around older kids, like when an older girl was blowing a bird whistle the other day, Rosabelle wanted to also grab the toy, and when she got it, she quickly put the spout part to her mouth and smiled at me, as if also wanting to blow the whistle. I asked her, 'How come you know how to put the spout to your mouth? Is it because you saw An Qi Jie Jie doing the same thing?', and she smiled knowingly. Heh!
The boy nicely shared his trucks with Rosabelle, and of course she attempted to put them into her mouth after awhile.
After a morning of Vitamin D cultivation (i.e. quite a bit of sunning), we then headed on home for her lunch. I am really getting more and more dark-skinned these days...
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