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Rosabelle turned a full 14 months old yesterday on Christmas eve. It not being a religious holiday for Wayne and I, we had a simple dinner of Annie's Pizza at home (and opened a bottle of red wine, which we did not offer Rosabelle, of course). Rosabelle had her usual dinner, though she tried two french fries that we offered her from our table, haha! She seemed to like it, as it's the thick kind of fries that she can hold and easily bite into, but she still seemed most happy with her favourite corn...
Today, seeing that it was blowing winds of 5 to 6 levels since last night (it's an 8 for a typhoon, just so you know...), we could not bring her outdoors, but needed to get out for the nanny to do her routine wipe-floor-with-strong-smelling-Walch job. Off we went to Shin Kong Place again, as it's less than 10 minutes drive from our home, and is a relatively nice and uppity place for us to do a quick 'get-away'.
And uppity it was, as Rosabelle went for her first taste of Russian art! They were having an exhibition of sorts at the gallery area, and I know all Mummies can relate to me when I say the first thing that sprung to my mind when I saw the nicely-carpeted gallery was - nope, not 'Oooh..let's expose our daughter to the fine arts...', but instead 'Oooh, nice and plush carpets - let's get Rosabelle to practise her walking here. If she falls, it won't hurt her as much.' So practical, I know... hahaha...
And walk she did, holding on tightly to Wayne's or my finger, but still being ever-careful and not willing to let go (would rather crawl than walk on her own).
As usual, she spotted a favourite picture of hers - a 'Wa Wa' (or how she would address '叔叔' these days - why does she pronounce it this way, I have simply no idea...), or rather, an old-looking man who looked all grumpy and very non-Christmassy...
Of course, she liked pictures of children, or this 'Ge Ge'...
Look at how Daddy blends into the Christmas mood with his green outfit...
Or me adding some glitter with my bling stockings...
It was just a short excursion as we needed to get back home for Rosabelle's lunch (Wayne and I 'celebrated' Christmas over Singaporean food at Lau Pa Sat restaurant after, heh!), but not before Rosabelle managed to do some 'damage' to the toys display by trampling on the fence - we have evidence to boot...
Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas!
(ITA) Buone Feste!
(EST) Häid Pühi!
Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes to You and to Your Visitors! I arrived here just surfing. I hope Your Today will be all the time better than Yesterday and worse than Tomorrow!
An Estonian living in Italy
Hi Pilland, thank you on behalf of the Shis and my readers. Happy holidays to you on the other side of the world!
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