So much for looking the part.
These days, she likes to always exclaim an airy 'Ahhhh...', complete with an expression of excitement, when we draw the curtains in the morning, as she is probably used to us telling her to welcome the sunshine and nice day with a 'Waaaah!'. Likewise, she will touch the window panes and draw her hands back quickly and clasp them when we ask her to 'feel how cold the windows are'. However, she is quite a good girl when it comes to not touching electrical/hot items - she has even managed to mimick our '不动, 不动' with something that sounds like 'bung, bung, bung' (sounds Korean, if you ask me!) to indicate that she knows certain things are out of bounds.
Heh, so long as she abides by her own rules, as with her increasing mobility, we can't possibly childproof every part of the house.
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