Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Are you sure you want a Winter Wonderland?

Friends and family in sunny, tropical Singapore are all asking if we are snowed under. Yes - we're basically trapped at home most of the time (thank goodness for cars, as it's almost impossible to hail a cab these days as everybody wants to take a cab). With the snowing stopped, we are now basically living in a huge freezer with blocks of ice all around - I told Wayne this temperature is even colder than our freezer and we can basically leave all food outside, haha...
Day temperatures average around minus 10 degrees celsius (going down to minus 14 at night/early morning), and it's impossible to bring our girl out for walks anymore.
Yesterday, seeing that the winds had stopped, and it was sunny, Wayne and I decided to bring her out for just awhile ('10 minutes', I told the nanny) to experience the cold and the snow.
Here she is protesting when Wayne put her down, as she did not want to stand on the snow.
After some cajoling/coaxing, she got down and stood briefly on her own.
And how long were we outside for?
A grand total of 3 minutes. Yes, that's how long, and how quickly we took photos and ran back into the lobby - I almost suffered frostbite from the exposed fingers when taking these photos!

And to think we took about 10 minutes to get dressed up... I sure am looking forward to just singlets/shorts/slippers days in Singapore soon...

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