Yesterday, Rosabelle, on her own accord, went up to the big, brown bear that my ex-colleague bought for her. Other than pretending to offer it toys (and drawing her hand away at the last minute), she does not really warm up to the bear, no matter how much she likes other smaller, plush bears - she will hug small bears, kiss them, and pat them whilst hugging them close to her chest and humming a tune whilst rocking at the same time, haha!
Me: How does Rosabelle make the chicken sound?
Rosabelle: Mmmmmm (makes the sound whilst shaking her head vigorously)....
Me: How does Rosabelle make the lion sound?
Rosabelle: Mmmmmm (continues to make the sound whilst shaking her head vigorously)
Me: How does Rosabelle shake her head?
Rosabelle: (Looks up at me and grins cheekily, not moving her head at all this time round)
She never fails to amaze me with how her little mind ticks. Since she enjoys her baths alot, to avoid any meltdowns when we carry her out, we will normally ask her to choose a bath toy to bring out of the bath with her. Although she will look around quickly in search of 'the chosen toy', more often than not, it's the metallic sieve that she will take with her. However, when I asked her to go for the toy yesterday, she looked at her left hand that was holding 3 foam numbers, and proceeded to look for another number to gingerly stuff it in her small hand. She then quickly stood up, jubilant that she has gotten away with not one, but four, bathroom toys....
Today, Wayne and I brought her to Wangfujing, or at least just the APM Plaza, to change our watch batteries (my Tag's battery has leaked, and I needed to pay RMB600 for the servicing, on top of the RMB250 battery - well, because it's also old anyway, but still!). As the fruit seller in our yard still had not delivered our fruits by the time we left, I bought a bunch of bananas from 'Ole supermarket downstairs and sat down for a break as Wayne fed her the rather unripe banana (yikes!).
She enjoyed her light 'shopping' with me as Wayne went on the errands, and enjoyed climbing up flights of steps, playing/looking at toys in the Lego shop (and shoplifting one piece from the play area without my knowledge!), and basically making friends with every other bored shop assistant. Maybe she was happier wearing a softer pair of old shoes courtesy of another Mummy in the yard (the same one who gave us the sweater she's wearing), but it felt like a more comfy fit than the Hubsches...
She has a cute habit these days - if she sees any dirt/speck on the floor, or any water stain (at times caused by her own saliva...), she will point at it, go 'Orrrrhhh....' in a sad tone, then rush off to grab a piece of toilet paper from her own diaper tray to mop up the offending 'rubbish'. Of course, it's more work having to clean up after her 'clean up' as she drags the toilet paper all over, and proceeds to shred it to bits, but it's so cute that we do not have the heart to stop her....
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