She saw them in the cupboard one night and asked for me to help her put them on as she posed…

She does do/say the sweetest things at times, like when Nainai was sitting on the toilet bowl the other night, soaking her feet. So whenever Rosabelle needs to go at such times, I will carry her over the floor of the shower cubicle, but had warned her not to step inside as I had just taken my bath and the floor was wet. The very next second, she stepped in and of course received a severe tongue-lashing from me. When we were done, both of us went out to the dining table as I continued looking at the list of foods to eat for the next day.
She knew I was angry and came up to me, asking me to read a book, and I told her, ‘You know I’m angry at you, so don’t ask me to do things for you now.’ She proceeded to read the book to herself, then came up to me again.
R: Mummy… (in her sweetest voice)
Me: What? (very curt)
R: 妈妈不生气了,玥玥不再踩水里了,可不可以? (giving me her most sincere look..)
I just smiled and hugged her. So sweet.
And that’s her doing a bit of feet-soaking herself – she was playing happily with her toys and refusing to wash up, so I suggested that she could also try soaking her feet like Nainai and Papa. She was so thrilled she quickly rushed into the toilet and let Papa fill up some water for her as she gave me the brightest smile, ever. Heh, the cheap thrills in life…

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