She was quite excited, helping me to paste the trees down, and then set out to match the presents to the tree. As we don’t have a proper Christmas tree at home, maybe the whole idea of presents UNDER a tree is quite alien to her, so in keeping with our past crafts of decorating WITHIN the shape, she actually pasted the squares ONTO each tree.
She didn’t need much guidance nor help from me, managing the shapes and glue stick all on her own. I thought 3x4 = 12 squares would have been enough for her, but obviously it’s easy-peasy for her, and she was asking for more! So I randomly cut up about another 12 shapes, and another 12, and she continued with her matching. I must admit she did a good job and was independently doing this on her own… until…
Now, I’ve been buying quite a few things online from Taobao since I’m heading home, and getting stuff for my nephews, nieces, friends, and of course Rosabelle. So a few packages came yesterday, and just as she was doing this crafts, one box came, and she was quite excited, coming down to see me open it. I sorted the things out – ‘This is for Simon Ge Ge, this is for Marianne Jie Jie… and this is for Rosie’, and she would hug her things together. Of the items, I bought a tank top and 4 panties for her, and she said she wanted to wear the new panty. Nainai and I said we have to wash them first, so we just left her at it as Nainai did her cooking, and I was on my laptop.
Before I knew it, Nainai called me over, laughing away at Rosabelle. Our girl was sitting on the floor with her pants and panties off, and had already put on a new panty, and was in the midst of wearing back her pants. My goodness. The precocious little one. She refused to take the new undies off until much later, when I said they have to be washed first. She then quickly dumped them into her own small toy bucket, and told me she wanted to wash them, bringing it to the sink. Kids these days… she’ll be putting on make-up before I know it (as it is, she already likes to wear my jewellery and has her own set of costume watch, bracelet, ring…).
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