Although it's been hectic time for me these days, it's quite alot of fun with a growing and learning Rosabelle, and as we explore new games/toys together.
When we went to Ikea the other day to buy a small cabinet to put our microwave on (it used to be on the kitchen tabletop until Wayne's mum decided it was not giving her enough space for the chopping), we also bought some wall decals to decorate Rosabelle's bed space.
So ta-dah! She now has a bevy of hot air ballooners and racing car animals to wake up to. It kept her occupied and interested for only about a week or so as she pointed out, and made sounds of, the various animals on the wall. And then, when we were in Singapore, Rosabelle was very attached to/intrigued by the plastic toy baby Simon and Marianne had in the bath, and was always very keen to bathe and called out 'Bay..beeeee....' whenever she went into the toilet.
Even at Pauline's house, she was also very happily playing with Raeanne's baby...
Other non-expense-incurring (i.e. making do with what we have) fun activities we've been doing include following the kids' pictures in the books (or Wayne's GQ mags...) and learning to hop/jump/fly/dance/fold arms/close eyes/make faces. She also likes search and spot books, and can identify objects by looking at their shadows (an activity in one of the books). Strangely enough, she calls Barney in the books 'Yeye' - maybe it's the wide-mouthed-grin, because I'm very sure it's not the purple pallor...
We have also found another use for her Fisher Price walker - as a wheelbarrow for us to push her around, or for her to push baby around, haha! She's wearing over-sized clothes here as we piled on the layers at home before the weather became warmer, but I detract. Rosabelle also knows/likes to throw balls, having me empty the Ikea basket of different-sized balls onto the sofa, then running over to pick them one by one to put back into the basket placed a distance away (good workout!). I'm glad that she has a good habit of keeping her toys away, and putting them exactly where they belong (in spite of the increasing numbers of toy containers around), especially when we're going out/meal-times. This comes in handy as she is getting quite good at jigsaw puzzles - the kinds with single objects with knobs on them, as she can remember where each piece goes. She has a cute habit of going 'No more' as she hides the jigsaw pieces behind her back, then revealing them with a grin when we pretend to look for them.
I also took everyday household items like a dish sponge (clean one, of course) and letting her dip into a basin of water and squeezing it. Only thing is we did this in the living room and she decided to empty the water onto the floor... so the next day, Wayne bought her a bath sponge and she now has fun playing with it, heh! Still on water, she also likes ice, taking one in her hands and licking it, as she learns about how heat melts the ice, and how cold it can be. Whenever we put out the sheets to dry on her clothes rack, I will hide, or let her hide under it, to let her be exposed to large expanses of things. One thing that I picked up at the playgroups we went to (another post coming!) is that she is quite terrified of the large parachute that they all used, so one of the teachers said I could let her get used to such big items. Like when we were looking at a man flying a kite today, she was quite afraid of the kite as it was rather big, and looked at me, waiting for me to touch it before she dared to touch it.
Songs-wise, she knows the 'Incy Wincy' spider song (first or last words of the verses, complete with action), a 'Naughty pussy cat' song where she will indicate the whiskers on her face, and the angry action with fists to her armpits, and even the 'It's raining, it's pouring' song as she knows the 'bump' and goes 'no more' when it should be 'morning', heh! New words picked up include heavy (as she lifts up her heavy activity station), durian (we offered her some last night - haha!), one-two (as I sing her 'One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive' song), and beak (as she can remember and indicate the beak of the duck that I mentioned only once to her). Sometimes we also visit other kids' homes, especially when the weather wasn't as good prior. She likes Dou dou Ge Ge, and Wei wei Jie Jie, and when we visited the former's home the day before, we even refused to go home with me, closing the main door on me when I said bye bye, then walking into the house with Dou dou! When I asked her what she did at his house when bathing her that night, she pinched her cheeks and made a crying sound, as if indicating that Dou dou had squeezed either hers or Wei wei's cheeks and made them squirm. Haha!
That's her at play with her cheeky grin!
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