The little Gideon was 3.96kg upon admission - hopefully he does not lose any other weight as he looks so cute chubby! On the topic of weights, Rosabelle took her Hepatitis A jab today (GSK one expiring in August and is free, or we had the choice of using one that expires in November next year and costs RMB400+ - guess which we chose?) and weighs 11.0kg, and measures 87.0 cm (an increase of 2.5 cm, but no weight gain...hmmm...), and cried slightly only when she was jabbed.
However, she seemed fearful of taking her weight/height, and having the doctor touch her, something never exhibited on previous visits. When she came home, she was eating lunch and became all fretful upon seeing the injection wound, so much that I had to carry her up... is that what they mean by getting fretful as a by-effect of the vaccination? In any case, that worrying heart murmur is still there, though ever so slight, the doctor also said her flat toenail may be a result of tight shoes but there is nothing to worry about, and that her high fever previously could be the result of a virus, and her immunity is good, that is why she recovered within the day in spite of a 39.1 degrees temperature.
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