Alritey... I have tons of Singapore (especially Sentosa) pix to sort out and blog about, and I have already confirmed mine and Rosabelle's next home-coming in June (to coincide with the kids' hols so we can have fun going around together)! And so, before I go MIA again for a month (back from 2 till 28 Jun - could have been longer but I booked my tickets late, and Rosabelle's Chinese visa expires on 29 Jun, so we can't stay till 2 Jul, the maximum entitlement of the air tickets), and before I accumulate more things to blog about and need to back-track horribly, I will endeavour to finish up all my catch-up posts over these two weeks!
First off, Happy Mummy's Day today to my dearest and most favourite Mummy and Po po! My Mum called me yesterday to say she received my beautiful flowers I ordered from Far East Flora. When the delivery man came to the house, clever Simon asked, 'Are those from Wendy Yiyi?' - heh!
But I do not have photos of those blooms yet. What I have is an overdue photo of the orchids I gave my mum on her birthday on 5 April, and Simon, being the Spiderman fanatic that he is, got a cartoon character cake for Po po...
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