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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

At 19 months...

Yesterday was our girl’s 19 month-old coming of age, and I was negligent in not being more timely in blogging about her latest updates (will get back to back-tracking re: Singapore in time to come...). We’re bringing her for her Hepatitis A first jab at Amcare tomorrow, so vital stats will come later, hoho!

But we’ll be kept busy as Ye Ye is also reaching Beijing tomorrow morning from Zhengzhou, yaaay! His 60th birthday falls on 27 May, so it’s apt that he’s here for a family reunion before the ladies head off back to Singapore (we are renting an apartment for him as our place is too small, but he'll move in back to our place once we leave, as he will be enjoying himself in Beijing for awhile). Just this morning, I decided to give Rosabelle a crash course and teach her to say '爷爷,生日快乐' and amazingly, within an hour, on cue when we say '生', she will go '日。快。乐' very slowly... well done, Ye Ye will be so happy! We've booked a restaurant for lunch and ordered a 21cake for that day, so it'll be a nice family day...

Recent words she's been spouting over these few days (some of which she's been actually using for some time, but I did not update... gulp...) include 靠 (as she leans against the chair/person etc), 坐, 走, 大 and 小 as she sees 大狗 or 大车 (she even accurately said and pointed out a 'purple car' to me!), 脏 (another grandma mentioned the heating plate at the lobby was dirty, and when she saw it after, she could use the same word), 踢 (loves ball games now), 湿 (overheard me saying the bed was wet), 太阳 (though it sounds like 'tanya'), broccoli (accentuates the 'li' at the back), moo (for moose), kite, ant (says it in conjunction with 蚂蚁), and Gu Gu (been saying this for awhile already and can address my brother when she spots him in photos). She has also been saying 'A, B, C' and '一、二、三、五' (ya, misses out the 4...) as we've been doing alot of number/alphabet recognition with her.

Below is a series of photos I caught of her yesterday coming back from her evening walk (holding a cherry that another guardian gave). She actually threw a hissing fit the day before when coming back from Dou dou Ge Ge's house as she refused to come home, even eating/feeding herself some rice/radish/duck liver there, and when I carried her back, she struggled and cried all the way from the 12th storey down, until even our neighbours opened the doors to see what happened. She would not stop crying/screaming and I had to bathe her to quieten her down and whet her appetite for lunch. I explained to her that I knew she was angry at me for dragging her away when she was playing, but warned her that I had already given her alot of notice and would not let her visit his house if she continues to behave like that in future. So yesterday, before entering his house, I told her that when I said to go, we have to leave, 'if not Mummy's not bringing you here again', and true enough, when it was time to go, she did not put up a fight. Even when we parted ways at the lobby in the evening and she actually cried wanting to go to '兜兜家', I told her 'we'll go tomorrow', she immediately stopped making noise. So sensible...
This is her caught in the act of ripping a loooong fart...haha!
Not the least embarrassed, proudly admitting that she did it.
However, I notice our naughty girl likes to bully Nai nai at times, always going '不要' when Nai nai asks her to do things, and even daring to stand up/sit on her high chair table when Nai nai is feeding her, getting Nai nai to carry her to eat. Haiz! I had to explain to my mother-in-law that we've been inculcating in Rosabelle from young to eat in the high chair, and that I'd rather she go hungry than let her down and have to run around and feed her, so now we have an understanding on that. But Rosabelle will go all sweet on Nai nai at times, these days insisting that Nai nai send her to the lift when we go out on our walks, holding her hand as she leaves the house, heh!

Today, one of her play mates actually pushed her when they were both admiring another kid's car, and I got really angry and shouted at the girl (who is 4 months older) '你干嘛推玥玥?!' as my girl fell over backwards on her butt and back (lucky didn't hit the head). Another mother helped her up and she looked very shocked and pursed her lips as the other mummy asked me to carry Rosabelle and comfort her, but I just shook my head at my girl and whispered 'It's ok' and she was fine. My girl was very strong and continued playing, but I could see she was shocked, and was looking at me to see what to make of it all.

As for the other girl, neither her mum nor see apologized, though her mum kept asking her to, and lectured her till she cried. However, I've been noticing her for some time and am actually already quite irritated when she gets quite violent and pries/pulls Rosabelle's fingers away even when she is just touching her stroller. Sheesh... I could not be bothered to look at them after, but have been explaining to our girl that 'What Jie Jie did was wrong, and even her Mummy was angry with her. If anybody pushes/beats you, just walk away - you don't have to cry and you should not beat/push people like that. If they are naughty, let them be.' Hope our girl does me proud and does not pick up the wrong things...

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