She was at first reluctant to close the car door and wanted to ride with her leg sticking out (maybe she thought it works like a bicycle with legs draped across the sides, haha!).
On days we did not go out when at my Mum's place, we went downstairs alot - mainly because it was windy, and Rosabelle enjoyed climbing up the stairs/going down the slope, and watching/interacting with people at the pool area. She loved to wash her hands at the pool taps, and even had a bad habit of wanting to climb up to the fountain area to stop the water from spurting out. Other favourites on the walks included the vending machine (buttons and holes - which kid can resist that?), bridge with dolphin figurines...
and of course the playground area.
There were mainly other older kids playing around, and she was one of the smallest ones around (who was walking - though she fell once and grazed her knee, but hardy girl picked herself up and continued walking with blood on her knee...).
She also loved picking up leaves and twigs, and was caught in action putting one into her mouth - aiyo!
We kept to pretty much the same routine of 3 meals/4 fruits a day with one afternoon nap (which thankfully coincided with Simon's and Marianne's, as she will at times run into their room and wake them up with hugs and kisses after she had gotten up), but of course with 2 baths a day in the hot Singapore weather. My mum did the cooking for her, and very nicely bought alot of fruits to keep up with the demand, haha!
Isn't Po Po the best?!
She liked playing/fooling around alot with Simon and Marianne, more so the former as she gives her very sweet '' calling. She got her first taste of playing papparazzi and asking people to take photos with a 'cheese'...
And she picked up her marching skills from my dad where she will put her hands behind her back to march (and now knows to say and do a 'stop'), leading the pack though she was the smallest...
Sleeping at night was pushed back till much later since Simon and Marianne go home close to 10:30pm and we bathe her only after, and Rosabelle will always want to go downstairs to send them off, breaking into inconsolable sobs the first few times the car left without her. I could hear her calling 'Ge ge! Ge ge!' in the basement carpark from my mother's 8th storey, and she was seriously crying hard when my parents carried her back. The next few nights, before they left, they took her on a short car ride from the basement to our lobby, and she was slightly better, haha!
Whenever Simon goes, 'Rosabelle Mei mei', she will break into a laugh - note that this does not work with any other one of us calling her like this, sigh...
When the kids sat on the floor, she would always want to go and squeeze with them, and even sit on their laps.
This is them after one of their noon naps (check out their out-of-bed hair), where the Toh kids will enjoy their apple snack, and Rosabelle would then snatch the apples from their bowls. As they eat rather slowly, they obviously did not mind the extra help from the little apple thief...
Caught in the act munching on Marianne Jie jie's apple...
I also set up a 'game' for them using their sleeping mattresses to build a fort, making them run and hide/chase around the two mattresses, and they all had a whale of a time, with Rosabelle wanting to catch them so she could give them big bear hugs.
Our neighbour has a one-year-old daughter Naomi, and we met them often at the corridor. The next day, Rosabelle shouted from our door, 'Mei mei! Mei mei!' so incessantly that the maid had to come out and tell her that Mei mei was already sleeping, haha! So we invited Naomi over one day to play, and Rosabelle was caught trying to snatch a clapper from the poor girl, who looked like she also put up a good struggle!
Since there was no Ayi around, Wayne and I did the diaper-changing and bathing for our girl (he reached only on 17 Feb as he booked tickets too late to get onto the same flight), and it was not funny the period she had diarrhea, aiyo! She was also very sticky to me, crying non-stop after her bath since it was my bathing time, and my poor parents and Wayne had to come up with all sorts of things to entertain/distract her till I was ready to nurse her.
More pix than words this time round, as we sign off for now!
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