What has happened since... I've come down with a bad flu since last Thursday, and at about the same time, suffered a bad neck from a wrong sleeping position. Yikes! So, afternoons/nights where I could have been getting ready in my packing or updating this blog, or getting a manicure, or getting a facial before I leave, I had to rest, and yesterday went to visit the chiropractor (Wayne's a regular there) who helped me massage (it's less painful now - phew!) and said I need long-term therapy as the curvature of my spine is now absent (normal spines have a degree of curvature - mine is like straight, and he said it's a build-up of at least 3, or maybe 10 years of such strain/bad posture. Woo hoo, just what I need right now. And I still sound/am nasal as I have finished my last dose of trusty Febs medicine from Singapore, and do not dare take any other as I broke out in rashes taking the local flu meds previously, not safe especially when I am still nursing... so hope this will really clear by the time Wednesday comes.
But back to Ye Ye - he came by on an overnighter train last Wednesday morning, and checked into a studio apartment just across our block (RMB200/night). Wayne's mum seems happy having him around (who wouldn't?), and joins him at night. Rosabelle took awhile to warm up to Ye Ye, giving him smiles, but not allowing him to touch/carry her on the first meeting - maybe it's because it's close to 2.5 months since they saw each other, but whenever he is out of her sight, she will call loudly 'Ye Ye! Ye Ye!', and he will answer '干什么', so she knows how to echo the '么' now... In fact, when Ye Ye went out of the car one day, Rosabelle started her fake crying of 'Ye Ye... Ye Ye', whining pitifully, but breaking into a smile and peeping at me through her closed, crying eyes - what a good actress...
Ye Ye normally goes for morning/evening walks, even finding a bunch of old men to play table tennis (his love) with, and would at times go buy food for cooking. He's more a morning person, and eats really fast, so he will scoot off for a smoke after his early meals. Think Rosabelle will miss Ye Ye when he leaves tonight, as he needs to go home to Zhengzhou first to get his identification card - he forgot to bring it to Beijing, and Wayne decided to bring his parents to Shanghai for Shanghai Expo this week for a few days since Rosabelle and I are not in. So, he will take the overnight train with his mum and meet his Dad directly in Beijing, where the dear Choons will provide nice, homely accommodation - so sweet of them!
It'll be a good trip and break for Wayne together with his folks, and Rosabelle and I will all miss them whilst in Singapore!
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