To give Wayne's mum a break (hell, even the nanny got a day off a week!), Wayne and I have decided to take Rosabelle out for lunch at least one of the days - Wayne's mum decided not to follow us, maybe she needed her own me-time too, heh! So we were luckily greeted with a bright sunshine-y day of about 23 degrees celsius as we made our way to Chaoyang Park yesterday morning.
Look who found the sun too bright and gave an enthusiastic nod when I asked whether she wanted to don my shades... (her eyes were closed as she was not used to the darkness, and maybe she was afraid of the spectacle rests poking into her eyes, haha...)

Eventually, after being distracted from all the running around, and looking around for her favourite sticks and stones (her surname is 石, maybe that explains her passion for stones as she always likes to hold them in her hands...), I managed to sneak the vest off her before she suffered heatstroke.
It turned out she's a ketchup fan (maybe it's something new and interesting) and she was dipping her fries into the sauce and sucking onto the fries till the same measly french fry was all soggy, tsk tsk...
Guess it's the novelty of a new food, like how she took to new stuff tried over these past few months like peanuts (boiled in soup), duck meat, lady's finger, starfruit, chiku (hated it - too sweet, I think...), durian ice cream (Wayne and I were sharing a cone at Parkway Parade in Singapore and she loved it!), mulberries, seaweed (started seriously on this snack in Singapore, and it's now something I offer her once in awhile as it's really quite salty...), Gerber's fish snack (a lifesaver on the road trip to Zhengzhou).
That's all for now as I continue diligently with my updates and backtracks!
P/S: Happy Labour Day, one and all. It's a public holiday (3 days, in fact) here in China but for non-working folks like us, it does not make much of a difference, except that we make it a note to not go anywhere touristy as it'll be abuzz with loads of people...
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