Everybody, meet Pegsabelle Shi, courtesy of Daddy dearest who went slightly overboard in his clothes pegs accessorizing…
Rosabelle did not seem to mind the pegs as she was more focused on taking them out one by one out of the plastic bag. Only after the bag was empty did she attempt to pull the pegs off herself.
She has picked up some pretty hilarious antics of late – whenever she farts, or makes grunting noises that make us ask whether she needs to poo, she will give us a raspberry to mimick farting noises – so very inappropriate if we are within earshot of strangers!
She can also pronounce ‘clock’ pretty clearly now, indicating at the alarm clock at the bed headrest and giving a deliberate deep ‘goo-lock’. Speaking of headrest, she also knows the usual routine of clambering onto the bed when it’s milk time and helping me to prop my pillow up, then patting against it and calling ‘Mama…’ to ask me to rest against it to nurse her – so sweet…
However, she has quite a bad habit of not going to sleep immediately at night after nursing, preferring to roll over and play awhile on the bed with me instead. That’s when she picked up the 'rabbit with its long ears’ trick of pointing at her ears whenever I use that phrase. However, strangely enough, when I start singing the rhyme '小白兔,白又白,两只耳朵竖起来...', she will grimace, knowing that it’s one in the medley of songs the nanny uses to coax her to sleep, and she will shake her head vigorously if the nanny offers to carry her out to go into the usual routine of looking at photos and having her bedtime – haha!
Also, given the barrage of Christmas and Santa Claus decorations around town and our neighbourhood, I’ve taught her to greet ‘Santa Claus Ye Ye!’ whenever she sees one, so you can imagine her calling out ‘Ye Ye!’ almost everywhere she goes these days...