Hancock fell below my expectations with its seemingly weak/thin plot, but there are still funny moments, so still worth a watch anyway (how wrong can you get with a Will Smith movie, and with Charlize Theron forever "lao buah liap"-ing in the scenes...?). (And I confess, I did not hear of this movie before deciding to watch it, so when I first heard of the title, it brought to mind some soft-porn movie flick title...hyuk hyuk...)
From the topic of testosterone-driven funny movies, and on to the topic of girls and ladies - my dear baby girl does get jolted by loud sounds during the movies, but after the first few minutes or so, she was fine and got used to it and stopped kicking so much, hehe.
Another girly thing (apart from baby) I wanted to bring up in this posting is that of Tim+Van's....baby girl! Yes, they found out over the weekend that they are also expecting a darling girl, and when I heard it, I was like "Oh, we are oh so going to have fun dolling them up!"....It'd be such great fun and experience with the girls, I just can't wait!
Vanessa and I go way back to WS Singapore days, and I later became colleagues with her sis-in-law (Tim's sister) at StarHub, then became colleagues with Tim in Beijing (whilst she was ex-colleagues with Wayne in WS Beijing), and later I ended up being her colleague here in WS Beijing too...makes your mind swirl, doesn't it? Hehehe...can't imagine how "embroiled" our missies (daughters) are going to get!
(L-R): In Singapore (kitschy) before coming to Beijing; in Beijing during Van's farewell early this year (pre-pregnancy); at Huairou in recent months (expecting Mums-to-be!)
Well, here is hoping Vanessa and her darling Rachel (yes, other people already have a nice name in place for their kid, but we need to ponder awhile longer for our baby lah...) can fatten up nice and well! Though I'm not sure if I can speak for myself and whether I'm fattening up "well" - colleagues have told me I'm noticeably "fleshier" - haha! I get hungry really easily - within a space of 5 hours at home yesterday, I downed one banana, two slices of honeydew, a full bowl of milk with Coco Crunch, two slices of Anchor cheese, about 2 handfuls of roasted peas, a square of chocolate, one peanut butter biscuit.... I really must be making up for the lack of appetitive I had in the first few months!Mummy also called me yesterday and said with my flight confirmed, she can help book my first appointment with the doctor in Singapore - likely to be at KKH (where I was born!), and hopefully the doctor who was attending to my sister is still around...I'll just need to make sure I keep proper records of all my check-ups here, and am able to translate the Chinese diagnoses correctly!
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