As you can see from the title of this post, we've more or less decided on the name of our girl. There weren't too many votes cast (heh!), but unless something else much, much nicer comes up, that's our girl's name. (At this point, we've given her a nickname - DD - nope, not my cup size, but the initials stand for "darling daughter" - haha!).

So I went for my 23.5 week check-up yesterday at Amcare Women's and Children's Hospital - slight digression: their tagline on the landing page of their English site reads "the spirit to care, the skill to hill" (sic) - quite hilarious (they actually mean "heal", long as it's not "kill"!!!). But Vanessa and I can vouch for their professionalism and overall cleanliness/facilities of this mostly-expats hospital (so that's why the exhorbitant rates lah), and she has already signed up a package to deliver there - nice!
I had to fast for 6 hours prior to my check-up yesterday, and was subject to a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) where I basically had to down a super-sweet drink and test my blood for glucose level to see if I have gestational diabetes. All my other check-ups (urine test, weight - I am now 58.5 kg!!, baby's heart beat etc were all normal), except that doctor indicated my previous readings of blood pressure indicated a gradually increasing level, and told me to monitor and make sure I rest well. (But in this particular case, after I took another reading after 1 hour in the hospital, it was fine, so the wrong elevated reading could be from the early morning rush to the hospital lah!)
We also did an ultrasound yesterday, and we managed to get a few shots of our girl as below - so exciting! Doctor said from the scan, she's actually 23w 2d old, but I'm still tracking her based on my previous calculations from LMP lah (if you dunno what this means, you don't need to know!).
She was crouched down most of the time, and was later facing the screen, and even crossed her legs at the ankles (how dainty!). We also tried to get a 4D scan but doctor advised the pictures will turn out nicer when baby's more developed - can't wait! We saw parts of her face (at times blocked because of the way she was resting), and could see her moving (where I could also feel simultaneous kicks to my tummy), and Wayne remarked later that our girl looks like me (note: chubby face with nose/lips looking like mine)... But I think her nose bridge is high like Daddy's, and her limbs look quite lanky, so hope she inherits Wayne's height, and not mine!
Doctor also gave me a certification letter for notification to the airlines so I can get on-board the plane, as well as some tablets to consume before take-off -- to prepare me for my upcoming company incentive trip to Japan (26 to 29 July). Rule of thumb is I should not over-exert myself on the trip, so I will just go and have a leisurely Tokyo sojourn and take good care of my girl and I!
In the afternoon, after my GTT results came out, Amcare called me to say I had a high sugar level, and suggested I go down again in 5 days for a re-test. Aiyo! I really hope nothing is wrong, but could it be due to the fact that I at times take more than two servings of fruit a day, or the fruits I eat are at times really sweet (e.g. honeydew, longans, peaches), or that I chew on sugar-coated Sugus sweets at times, or I drink half a teaspoonful of Manuka honey mixed in water a day, or I have taken to eating sugar-laden cereals like Coco Crunch with cold milk, or that my appetite has been very good lately, or... sigh! I am hoping nothing's wrong, or I'll have to start watching my diet more (though doctor told me that baby's 575g yesterday, and she's not considered too big... heh). Anyway, let's see how it goes at the re-test this Friday, fingers crossed!
Signing off this post with something I'd caption as "Ah Pui? Who you calling Ah Pui?!!"...
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