After observing me for some time, she raised her left hand and made two fingers point out, and before we knew it, she was using her other hand to mimick my action of cutting my nails. The nanny and I burst out laughing and could not believe it, asking her to repeat the action of 'Mummy cutting nails', and she did it again. So hilarious - am so looking forward to fun times ahead if this is the mark of cute imitation skills of an 8-month-old!
She was happily riding astride one of the toy cars, with the nanny holding her, and me pushing the car, when an older girl came along and wanted to ride it, so she pushed Rosabelle's head to get her to come off, but ever so lightly. Rosabelle was too engrossed with the buttons on the steering wheel to know she was being bullied, and we had to quickly push the car away to avoid a confrontation. Well, I can't protect my girl forever, but luckily the push on the head wasn't too hard, or I would have scolded the naughty girl!
Today, she saw a man carrying a laptop backpack similar to Wayne's, and from the back, she thought it was her Daddy and called 'Papa', to the nanny's surprise, and we laughed when we saw that she could have mistaken someone else for Wayne.
Her affection towards us is really very sweet, like when I went up earlier this evening, leaving her and the nanny downstairs, and pushed her stroller home first. A little girl came along and wanted to play with her stroller, helping me push it to my apartment lobby. I had barely settled in at home when the nanny carried Rosabelle home, saying that she had looked on heartbroken, with her arm raised, to wave bye-bye to me, and the nanny even called me thrice to turn back and look at Rosabelle. After that, she could not rest her mind to play with the other kids anymore, thinking that her mother had abandoned her to play with another girl. Awww.... so poor thing.
Or like when she cleverly and eagerly lifts up one leg for the nanny to wear her shorts for her when the latter says it's time to get dressed and look for me downstairs (I had gone for a heavenly body massage when she was taking her afternoon nap...nice).
She should know that Daddy and Mummy also love and treasure her greatly. Happy 8 months, dearest daughter!
So sweet, that's why I like baby gals, they are so affectionate. :)
Lucky you are going to be blessed with two sweet things (though I read your post about naughty RaeAnne - support you in welding the iron hand - gotta start them young!).
Duh, ya lor, but don't know whether it's because she's so naughty in the day or what. At night, she'll have nightmares and cry and don't want me to carry her. Maybe in her dream, Mummy was scolding her. ;P But today, when I left her at ILs place and was going to leave, she started whining and wanted me to carry. Fickle minded. ;)
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