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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On their last day

After 11 full days of solid sightseeing and feasting with Wayne and I bringing them around, my family had a 'free and easy day' on their last few days - on 15 June, they decided to head to 动批wholesale area by taxi themselves to do some serious shopping for the adults (having OD-ed on children's stuff at官批on two previous, separate occasions). By the time they reached home for a late lunch, it was past 2 pm, and they enjoyed their KFC fish burgers (mum thinks it tastes better than that in Singapore).

Rosabelle woke up early on this day, at 7am, and the nanny made her steamed egg yolk, which she wolfed down, and ate 25g of cereal. The nanny then brought her out for a morning walk, only to come back less than 30 minutes later carrying Rosabelle in one hand, and pushing the stroller in the other - the girl was fast asleep! The nanny had seen her rubbing her eyes, and quickly pushed her back, but when she fell asleep, the nanny carried her up and she slept for about 3 hours before waking up for a late lunch of pumpkin and potato. However, after she started teething, she does not seem to like sweet stuff and preferred her plain tofu dish instead.

After her lunch, I brought her to my family's place, where it was a battleground with the kids running around, and my sis and mum trying to pack. They were quick to offload some items on me (like Marianne's old clothes, extra foodstuff, towels, medicines, toiletries they brought), so my dad had to walk with me back to my home. On the way back, we met Rosabelle's friends from the neighbourhood, but maybe it's because she had not seen them for more than a week, so when the aunties crowded around her to eagerly welcome her, she started to frown and even wanted to cry. Not her usual smiley, happy self when she meets the usual bunch of playmates and their guardians - must be the fact that she's too used to seeing just my family members over this period of time.

At night, my family headed to 朝阳剧场 to watch the famous acrobatic show. I actually booked the cheapest RMB180 ticket for them, but the ticket seller called me in the morning to say they can offer me a special price of RMB160 per ticket (so good! proactive discount!), and ended up the two kids paid half full-priced tickets (i.e. RMB90).
They all totally enjoyed the performance and raved about it.
Rosabelle again stayed at home for her dinner and rest whilst Wayne and I went to fetch my family from the theatre. We first made a detour to the Panasonic Centre at Shin Kong Place, where we could save the videos that the kids made on their first day on the blue screen.
At the same time, Wayne also sweetly got my sis a nice camera pouch (seeing her current one was worn-out and old).
Upon my family's strong request/insistence, we (AGAIN!) went back to 海底捞 for our dinner. This was the third time in about a week we've been there, and my family again feasted on their favourite lotus root, nian gao, mushroom, tang hoon, and the dancing noodles. My sis agreed that the usual, bland Chinese New Year steamboat in Singapore would sadly never taste the same again. My mum even said that if she had time, she would come again the next day before the flight! One of the waitresses even recognized us from the first visit...gulp. One thing's for sure - it would be a long time before Wayne and I visit the place again!

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